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Saturday, April 25, 2009

How to Read Blood Pressure

Blood Pressure, typically abbreviated as bp, is the amount of pressure in the blood vessels. It is two numbers, XX over XX, showing the pressure during a heartbeat and at rest between beats. These two numbers will give a showing of how much “work” the heart is doing.

Blood Pressure Readings

Blood Pressure readings are done by pumping up a cuff on the arm with a device called a sphygmomanometer. Mercury rises in the air pressure column and the results are read as mm/Hg. The top number is the systolic number, or the amount of pressure that is in the vessels at the time of work or heart beats blood through the vessel. The bottom number is the diastolic number, or the amount of pressure that is in the vessels at the time that the blood is not being pushed through the vessels.

Blood pressure readings are in specific ranges and are good for most adults. It is not meant to be a decisive test for those that are not over 18 years of age, those that have a serious illness that can alter results, people who are diabetic or sufferers of kidney disease, or those that are on HBP (high blood pressure) medication.

How to Read Blood Pressure Results

There are four ranges for bp monitoring. There is a healthy bp range, prehypertension, and stage one and two of hypertension.

  • Normal/Healthy Bp – This is shown as anything under 119 systolic and under 79 diastolic.

  • Prehypertension Bp – This is a reading of 120-130 systolic and 80-89 diastolic.

  • Hypertension, Stage 1 Bp – This is shown as a reading of 140-159 systolic and 90-99 diastolic.

  • Hypertension, Stage 2 Bp – This is a reading of levels above 160 systolic and over 100 diastolic.

In the cases that one number is normal and the other is high, the highest reading is what is considered in terms of treatment.

Lowering BP

There are different methods to lower the readings if the bp numbers are too high or close to hypertension. A modified diet and exercise plan can do wonders for the patient, as well as salt reduction as it retains fluid. Smoking and drinking can raise bp readings, so those should be moderated. When diet, exercise, and lifestyle choices aren’t enough to keep the blood pressure regulated then medication can be prescribed to help.

From Internet

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